Friday, November 7, 2008

Thursday Night Scare!

Last weekend we seemed to play alot of games. Last Word, BS, Scategories, and lots of pool. Michael keeps beating everyone in Last Word haha. I think tonight the guys want to play Monopoly. I wanna play a different game though...not sure what. But Improv is also tonight!! I'm so excited! I love it. When I tried out a while back, I was way too embarassed, so I didn't do anything and ended up watching everyone from outside the circle they had.

I had a a big History of Christianity test I was studying for earlier this week, had it on Wed. That took so much time! I went over to the sac to watch the elections and got a $2 dinner of 4 pizza slices and a drink! Thank you Charla's laundry money! lol

I've been very sleep deprived every day but 1 night this week I think Sat. I felt really good. And I noticed the undereye's of other people! I've been feeling embarassed ever since I got here because of MY undereye all the time. Michael had a black eye when I met him and sometime after that he was like "your eye looks like mine! ha" psh. Not a good thing to hear.

Joselyn and I watched another scary movie last night, Nightmare on Elm street. It wasn't THAT scary of a movie. But when it was over we were telling each other about our weird dreams, when the phone rang. It says restricted. Last time we watched a movie, Justin called twice. Once it said restricted, the other it came up totally blank, but he didn't know why. He just called to ask me a question. So last night I thought it was Justin. Joselyn wanted to pick up the phone, so she did. She slowly looks at me with huge eyes, puts it on speaker phone (we hear breathing), slams the phone close and tosses it on the bed while she goes "tzz". lights turn of!!! We scream and grab on to each other. Then I remember the lamp was a clap on, but I couldn't clap cause she was grabbing my arm so TIGHT (it kinda hurt). So I told her and she clapped 2 times really fast and grabbed my arm again, then did it again a couple more times. Anyways, eventually I got it back on and it looked like she was about to go into shock. She called Ardy and I called Michael to see if it was one of them. As soon as Michael picked up I KNEW it was him by voice comparason(?).

We both heard weird sounds in our rooms that night. IN our rooms. I had earplugs in, and I could hear this repetitious sound like a waterbottle crunching...I waited for a long time to move cause I was really scared, but as soon as I turned my light on it STOPPED! I waited and waited. I finally hear it 1 more time with my earplugs out and it came from around the light/cabinet area. I dunno what it was, when I laid down again leaving my light on for short while it didn't do it.

We went to the bookstore today and I got some Walla Walla gear. Sweatpants (black/red), sweater(green/white), and shirt(pink).

Right now she is going to play tennis WITHOUT me..and I'm trying to find someone to play raquetball with me before 4 when they close, which is restupidulous.

I'm 2 hours overdue for my nap...I miss my kitties. Especially China...