Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Monday again...

Wow, a long time since I've written...

Well, I think I've been late to just about ever English and Business (except 1) class now...hehe. It's a little embarassing.

I don't remember if I mentioned Ardy before...he came up to meet Joselyn and I at lunch 1 day. And they met again at the library and started hanging out, inviting me to too. Then last Thursday I was in the sac and saw this guy sitting in the corner by the pool table (Michael). I asked if he wanted to play foosball and we did, and air hockey, and pool (with a couple guys I met a couple weeks ago). Those guys' names is Brandon.

One day when I was sitting in the sac waiting for PIZZA, and one asked if he could change it..not knowing what channel it was on he got a lil frazzled, but as soon as they found it they got all excited and called some more friends over. It was The Office. That night I asked 1 girl sitting next to me if she wanted to play pool (Jessie). We did, but then she had to go study. We've been hi buddies ever since, and so have the Brandons which I played pool with after her.

So on Friday, Joselyn and I ate lunch at the sac and a guy that knew her came to sit with us (Steven). That night at vespers, we saw him sitting and he called us to come too. I remembered that I had gum in my mouth but no wrapper, so I hurried out to the lobby of the church, threw it away, and on my way in I see Michael. I ask him if he wants to sit with us and he does.

The 3 of us hang out for a long time, and head to the outside of the sac to see what vespers is going on there (black people vespers, lol). Ardy eventually comes out and after a long while another guy (B Will we call him ha) who has the keys, and invites us to come inside. In there we all talked for a long time until he got sleepy ha. We walked to the girls dorm and Ardy and B Will invited us to come to the Village church? All of us ended up going and that night we all joined a group that went to the corn maze!!!!

The corn maze was way more scary than any I've been to. They had guys everywhere! At 1 time, a guy came at us from the side and the back. I jumped in front of my friends and took off running straight and around the corner only to run into another guy. I ran back to my friends and saw yet another guy coming from the front of them, and they had 1 still following them. It was a lil scary. At that point Joselyn like started to cry. LOL. She's always trying to be tough all the time, and to see her start to cry was totally weird.

They had pretty solid ground, but sometimes they had something in the ground that made you feel like you were falling. One person thought it was like a trampoline. And at the very end some guy with a chainsaw chased us out the exit. We were the 2nd to last group to leave the maze. We had freakin stupid people that worked there with bright flashlights that followed us a quarter of the way. We could see 1 guy hiding in the bushes so we totally avoided him...I finally told them to put them down. I was SO mad.

Sunday night, we went to the barn party. There was alot of standing around. They gave out free popcorn...candy bars, skittles, juices. Wow. I had gigantic pockets too. I didn't have time to grab much though cause Joselyn kept wanting to to come for this or that. They had a cookie table too, where we decorated with bottles of icing. They were GOOD. I also got a pumpkin that I was going to paint..but didn't..so now it's just my pet pumpkin that sits next to my desk.

At 1 point there was a showdown between "Obama" and "McCain" where they stand on these...things...and try to wack each other off. It was pretty funny. When McCain got knocked off, all of a sudden Hilary Clinton came and shoved obama off, did a victory stance, and took off running. There was also a place where they took your picture while you smashed a pumpkin...I was thinking about it...but it didn't happen. There was square dancing too haha. About a third of the gym was taken for it.

3 of us girls dressed up as gangsters.

Last night I couldn't go to sleep, and my roomate woke me up early again....so I had the worst undereye I've had in a long time.

Oh, and I moved out.

YES! I moved out!

I will finally get some sleep during the weekdays because I have the room to myself till the other girl moves in which will be like the end of the week. My internet cable doesn't reach where I want my desk to be, so it's kind of in a weird place. And I have to reach across the cable to use the sink.

I don't have to wake up till 12 tomorrow!! and I actually DONT have to WAKE UP!! I'll sleep straight through maybe.

Anyways, I'm gonna enjoy dinner in bed while I watch a T.V show with my speakers, on my non bunk bed, which I can plop on to. And I don't have to be all quiet. UGH I'm loving this. Even though the walls, desk, and sink are peeling and dirty, and my window rattles easily, and my door closes itself almost. I'm just glad I'm out of that old room. I moved most of my stuff in like 2 hours, by myself...I wish I got someone to help me, but it was kinda late, I started moving at like 9:30. I didn't tell my roomate I was leaving till like 9:00. haha. And I came back into the room at like 12:00 cause I forgot my microwave, and I accidentally woke her up. But afterwards I was like YEA! HOW does THAT feel?!?! I should do it again. Kidding. But I did forget to bring a bowl to cook in, I luckily had a small one that had molding rice in it, that I cleaned out and used hehe.

Anyways, I'm gonna go watch The Mole.
Alot to read I know. Sorry, but thanks for caring haha.

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