Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My room..

It's strange waking up to being alone in the room...even though I've had my bedroom at home all the time. My bedding doesn't fit this bed, so it was all curled over my feet last night. There's alot more noises here too.......UGH. I had 2 earplugs in all night, and I could still hear trucks going by, doors closing, and I now have people UPSTAIRS that walk around all heavy. Man they have got to be fat or something. I don't know how you can make so much noise by walking around in your room!

My heater doesn't seem to warm the room up much. I'm always wearing jackets in the dorm.

I do get to watch movies in my bed now though, I tried it before, but I'd bonk my head on the ceiling, have to climb up with and worry about my soup getting spilled, my nose would run and I'd have to get back down for a tissue but get distracted and climb back up again and remember that I still need a tissue. Get a tissue and sit down again and the phone would ring by the sink and no roomate to pick it up. Soup would get cold. Soup needs refilling. Volume is too low. Want something to chew after soup. Bunkbeds aren't the best way to watch a movie.

Today I finally figured out how to get the school's /K drive. I've been needing it this whole time, but never remember to call it in till after 5 which the office closes.

Drum lessons are on Friday! It's going to be almost 3 hours long I think. I haven't practiced, before today, in awhile.

Today I saw a couple opportunities to go abroad....*Eyebrow raise x2* *Nods head* *Smile cracks open* *Burps vibrantly*

It was to go to Greece and Turkey for a couple weeks or something, and another was to teach English in Korea for however long I'd want. I still want to go to Spain...

Ok, I'm off to study for a business test...

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