Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tuesday the 7th

Well, Saturday I spent all morning eating and talking with Roxy and Katie.
I went to check out this organ recital with them, but it was pretty dang creepy, so I went and rode my bike for a while checking out the areas I'm not familiar with. It got dark and I saw the field lights on. I went over there and got there while the guys were warming up for the game. I kinda made friends with the dad of a guy on the opposing team...

I came back to the girls' apartments and we played cards all night. Poker, Kings Corner, Slap It, BS, Golf... yep.

Sunday was an inside day. I watched Beauty and the Beast and the Lion King, and played games, practiced drumming.

Monday I somehow didn't get my alarm set and was angrily awoken by a door being slammed. I checked to see what time it was, and it was 8:05, class starting at 8. I missed a quiz!!! I don't think I've ever done that. Stupid alarm. And when I was hurrying I went to the wrong building. When I got in the right classroom, I sat down for 5 seconds when he asked for the quizzes. If I would have went to the right room, I could have at least guessed...I'm totally furious about it. My body gets all hot when I think about it.

Today I learned about how to use library resources, and learned to look for glitches and illusions in films. Like the sneaky camera going through windows and being in people's faces, people doing stuff they couldn't do in real life, and actors doing something they're not supposed to.

The church was packed for chapel today, the first time I went.
And I also tried out rock climbing. The 1st time wasn't bad at all, but the 2nd..I got stuck, and the guy wasn't much attention to me, and didn't help out much. I couldn't like swing myself up cause he had me pretty tight, if I made a subtle move up, he'd tighten it.

Overall..not a very eventful weekend.

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