Saturday, October 4, 2008

Almost Saturday Again

We had our first thunderstorm yesterday! It sounded so nice, but a couple times it rattled the windows.
My bike got all wet...I'm thinking about bringing it in the dorm. Maybe I will by tomorrow night. I had to ride it after the rain yesterday and today! I tried to pedal standing up, but when I'd come down, I'd feel the cold on my butt. Then I'd be riding past people...a little embarassing.

I went over to my friend's apartment to have dinner with her and another. (Roxanna and Katie from before) cause Roxanna wanted to cook for us (Spaghettiiiii yum). And we watched a movie. We got together again tonight too as well as Joselyn.

I still haven't recieved a book yet, so I go to the bookstore and look up what my assign. is. Thank goodness it's not a reading assignment, I'd probably get in trouble. And since I forgot to pick up that book that was on hold, and 20 people in my class didn't have it, and it's sold out (Publisher stopped making it)...They made copies of the entire book. And it cost 10 dollars MORE!!! omg. And it's just sheets of paper...half of which is upside down. I'm mad at myself everytime I think about it.

My food bill is gettin pretty fat BUT NOT ME! HA!! I hope I don't run out though. Then I'll just be making alot of Totinos pizza.

We went to Wal-mart and no beanbag chairs...I missed them by a day. I was planning on making a movie area in my room since I watch them every once and awhile. Then we went to Big Five and I found a package of pink -Tennis racket, balls, hat, something else, and a bag with a strap- for $50. I was thinking of going back to get it. Looking around I found pink soccer balls, basketballs, and ping pong balls I think. But I really like those pink tennis balls.

I went to vespers for the first time tonight. It was pretty nice. They had the stage decorated with candles in candle stands. They had violen, piano, guitar, chello, a weird irish flute I think, and good singers (not very loud though). Anyways, it sounded very pretty and they had like Planet Earth videos playing behind the words of the songs...

And about the roomate...I don't know what's going on. She was talking about arranging our room...Is she staying? I kinda wanted my friend Daisy...but I dunno.

In my classes I'm learning about the start of Christianity and all the persecutions...which are more horrible than I thought. Also in film class I'm learning how and when it got started, how to find a theme, and how to read credits! Haha. In business we're kind of learning how to get started, what to look at with policies and ethics, and to look for resources. I think he wants us to do good research. Drum lessons should start this Saturday, but maybe the one after. Not sure. The stupid music department didn't even tell him about me it seems (after a week of waiting, and leaving 2 notes in their office, I came back a 3rd time and sent him an e-mail myself which he responded to the same day.

I want to freakin play a game again...

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