Friday, November 7, 2008

Thursday Night Scare!

Last weekend we seemed to play alot of games. Last Word, BS, Scategories, and lots of pool. Michael keeps beating everyone in Last Word haha. I think tonight the guys want to play Monopoly. I wanna play a different game though...not sure what. But Improv is also tonight!! I'm so excited! I love it. When I tried out a while back, I was way too embarassed, so I didn't do anything and ended up watching everyone from outside the circle they had.

I had a a big History of Christianity test I was studying for earlier this week, had it on Wed. That took so much time! I went over to the sac to watch the elections and got a $2 dinner of 4 pizza slices and a drink! Thank you Charla's laundry money! lol

I've been very sleep deprived every day but 1 night this week I think Sat. I felt really good. And I noticed the undereye's of other people! I've been feeling embarassed ever since I got here because of MY undereye all the time. Michael had a black eye when I met him and sometime after that he was like "your eye looks like mine! ha" psh. Not a good thing to hear.

Joselyn and I watched another scary movie last night, Nightmare on Elm street. It wasn't THAT scary of a movie. But when it was over we were telling each other about our weird dreams, when the phone rang. It says restricted. Last time we watched a movie, Justin called twice. Once it said restricted, the other it came up totally blank, but he didn't know why. He just called to ask me a question. So last night I thought it was Justin. Joselyn wanted to pick up the phone, so she did. She slowly looks at me with huge eyes, puts it on speaker phone (we hear breathing), slams the phone close and tosses it on the bed while she goes "tzz". lights turn of!!! We scream and grab on to each other. Then I remember the lamp was a clap on, but I couldn't clap cause she was grabbing my arm so TIGHT (it kinda hurt). So I told her and she clapped 2 times really fast and grabbed my arm again, then did it again a couple more times. Anyways, eventually I got it back on and it looked like she was about to go into shock. She called Ardy and I called Michael to see if it was one of them. As soon as Michael picked up I KNEW it was him by voice comparason(?).

We both heard weird sounds in our rooms that night. IN our rooms. I had earplugs in, and I could hear this repetitious sound like a waterbottle crunching...I waited for a long time to move cause I was really scared, but as soon as I turned my light on it STOPPED! I waited and waited. I finally hear it 1 more time with my earplugs out and it came from around the light/cabinet area. I dunno what it was, when I laid down again leaving my light on for short while it didn't do it.

We went to the bookstore today and I got some Walla Walla gear. Sweatpants (black/red), sweater(green/white), and shirt(pink).

Right now she is going to play tennis WITHOUT me..and I'm trying to find someone to play raquetball with me before 4 when they close, which is restupidulous.

I'm 2 hours overdue for my nap...I miss my kitties. Especially China...

Friday, October 31, 2008

No corn maze...

Thursday night, 4 of us wanted to go back to the corn maze. The 2 guys were part of the "black people club", and I'm in the business club. The first one was going to be at the maze at like we waited around for the time to go so we could go with them. We played pool the whole time, and a couple others met us in there and watched or played too. When we all walked over to the Meske Hall to meet the people of the club, they had already taken off. So we sat around and waited for Ardy's friend to come with his friends so we could have a 2nd car to pile people into. There was a seat for everyone except me.

I sat on Joselyn's lap all the way to the corn maze, and when we got there, I hear the driver say "hey sheriff". I look out the window and sure comes the sheriff to tell us that the corn maze is CLOSED. 9:45 we got there. It was suppose to close at 10.

So right when the driver (Michael) says something to end the conversation the sheriff says "Wait a minute, what's going on back here" as he grabs and turns on his flashlight and shines it right in our faces. I'm squished up against the window. He says do any of you have seat belts on? Only 1 person does. I was about to p*** my pants. I heard him say something like we need to pull over, over there...the 4 of you and you (Michael) will get a ticket...if you try to leave, there's 2 officers waiting down the road.

We were FREAKING out.

Then someone asked what he meant...if we were waiting to get a ticket, or if we try to leave like THIS we'll get a ticket. We waited for awhile before Michael decided to go ask. And to our LUCK, the sheriff said that we should find another ride for 1 person so everyone has seat belts. So we waited for our friends in the other car to come back, 30 minutes later. I sat in the cold the whole time, Michael came out with me though and we sat by the window talking to the people inside.

9 of us ended up going to Sheri's after that. A couple of times our group broke out into beats it was soooo funny. A couple guys would use their mouths, and a couple others and I would be doing beats on the table or glasses or something. But once someone said something like "erre A", we'd all start laughing at it was killed. Then someone would be messing around on the table again just because, and a 2nd would add to it, and it'd get started again.

Today I had DRUM lessons again! I learned alot too! 2 kinds of drum rolls, grace notes, reading the music backwards, and he told me to do more practice with using my left hand to lead. He seems to say alot that I'm learning fast, so he decided to add one more thing - I don't know what it's called. But it's patterns - LRLLRLRLL - they sound so cool. And I asked about practicing on the real drums and he said I could go ask this teacher and he should let me! When my teacher taught me the exercises, they seemed ok, but I was still anticipating when we'd get to the cool stuff. He then showed me what those beats sounded like faster and then on the real drums. THEY SOUNDED AWESOME! I want to practice so much now and get faster so when I go on the real drumm......yea. The next lesson was supposed to be on the 15th. Chrissy's wedding....UGH. So I'll probably have to wait till DECEMBER for the next lesson.

Tonight Joselyn called me and wanted to watch a movie in my room, she said "ok, I'm leaving right now", I hurried up and put stuff away (I hadn't put anything away since I moved in). I realized she was taking too long and just kept cleaning, but then decided to put on a halloween movie. TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE!@^%@$#! I'm kidding, I watched The Corpse Bride. When I was done, I called her, and she was doing homework, minutes later (I was in pajamas and crawling in bed) she calls and says "you wanna watch a scary movie?" So I invited her over, and we watched Disturbia.

At first it wasn't scary. It was funny. I was a little worried that maybe I picked the wrong movie. But when the scary parts got rolling, she went grabbing. She grabbed my arm so tight twice in a row, it hurt. Then she went for the leg and got a hand full of blanket and held on to it for like a third of the movie. I could feel her squeeze it every time! Haha!!! It was soooooooo funny. We both jumped a few times. At the end of the movie I thought maybe she was gonna stay with me here, but I guess she wanted to go back. She asked me "will you walk me to the stairs?" I laughed and was like why is he in the hallway??? I kept saying dumb stuff like that to her, she'd be all like no stop (in a whining voice)! She was scared. I walked her down the hallway and was like WHAT WAS THAT! What?!?! she's say, and then get all 'mad' stop it (whiny). She gets to the stairs and says something as she's starting to turn away, I say OH MY GOSH WHAT is THAT! 'mad' She goes up the stairs "watch around the corner!" stop it (whiny). haha. It's prolly funnier in my memory..

Then I go to the bathroom and hear a thud as I'm walking to the stall. Creepy. After, I'm washing my hands and hear some other weird noise. I grab the door to go out and hear something ELSE. I get to my room and as I crack the door open (it was already open open, unlocked) I hear a noise from inside. A definate noise inside. I quickly swipe the light on and scan the mirror to look around the room. Man though, if the killer was behind the door....I woulda been dead, cause I didn't look there until I sat at the computer.......................I wouldn't be here right now!

So I think I'm gonna skip church's 2:30 now. Good night!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My room..

It's strange waking up to being alone in the room...even though I've had my bedroom at home all the time. My bedding doesn't fit this bed, so it was all curled over my feet last night. There's alot more noises here too.......UGH. I had 2 earplugs in all night, and I could still hear trucks going by, doors closing, and I now have people UPSTAIRS that walk around all heavy. Man they have got to be fat or something. I don't know how you can make so much noise by walking around in your room!

My heater doesn't seem to warm the room up much. I'm always wearing jackets in the dorm.

I do get to watch movies in my bed now though, I tried it before, but I'd bonk my head on the ceiling, have to climb up with and worry about my soup getting spilled, my nose would run and I'd have to get back down for a tissue but get distracted and climb back up again and remember that I still need a tissue. Get a tissue and sit down again and the phone would ring by the sink and no roomate to pick it up. Soup would get cold. Soup needs refilling. Volume is too low. Want something to chew after soup. Bunkbeds aren't the best way to watch a movie.

Today I finally figured out how to get the school's /K drive. I've been needing it this whole time, but never remember to call it in till after 5 which the office closes.

Drum lessons are on Friday! It's going to be almost 3 hours long I think. I haven't practiced, before today, in awhile.

Today I saw a couple opportunities to go abroad....*Eyebrow raise x2* *Nods head* *Smile cracks open* *Burps vibrantly*

It was to go to Greece and Turkey for a couple weeks or something, and another was to teach English in Korea for however long I'd want. I still want to go to Spain...

Ok, I'm off to study for a business test...

Monday again...

Wow, a long time since I've written...

Well, I think I've been late to just about ever English and Business (except 1) class now...hehe. It's a little embarassing.

I don't remember if I mentioned Ardy before...he came up to meet Joselyn and I at lunch 1 day. And they met again at the library and started hanging out, inviting me to too. Then last Thursday I was in the sac and saw this guy sitting in the corner by the pool table (Michael). I asked if he wanted to play foosball and we did, and air hockey, and pool (with a couple guys I met a couple weeks ago). Those guys' names is Brandon.

One day when I was sitting in the sac waiting for PIZZA, and one asked if he could change it..not knowing what channel it was on he got a lil frazzled, but as soon as they found it they got all excited and called some more friends over. It was The Office. That night I asked 1 girl sitting next to me if she wanted to play pool (Jessie). We did, but then she had to go study. We've been hi buddies ever since, and so have the Brandons which I played pool with after her.

So on Friday, Joselyn and I ate lunch at the sac and a guy that knew her came to sit with us (Steven). That night at vespers, we saw him sitting and he called us to come too. I remembered that I had gum in my mouth but no wrapper, so I hurried out to the lobby of the church, threw it away, and on my way in I see Michael. I ask him if he wants to sit with us and he does.

The 3 of us hang out for a long time, and head to the outside of the sac to see what vespers is going on there (black people vespers, lol). Ardy eventually comes out and after a long while another guy (B Will we call him ha) who has the keys, and invites us to come inside. In there we all talked for a long time until he got sleepy ha. We walked to the girls dorm and Ardy and B Will invited us to come to the Village church? All of us ended up going and that night we all joined a group that went to the corn maze!!!!

The corn maze was way more scary than any I've been to. They had guys everywhere! At 1 time, a guy came at us from the side and the back. I jumped in front of my friends and took off running straight and around the corner only to run into another guy. I ran back to my friends and saw yet another guy coming from the front of them, and they had 1 still following them. It was a lil scary. At that point Joselyn like started to cry. LOL. She's always trying to be tough all the time, and to see her start to cry was totally weird.

They had pretty solid ground, but sometimes they had something in the ground that made you feel like you were falling. One person thought it was like a trampoline. And at the very end some guy with a chainsaw chased us out the exit. We were the 2nd to last group to leave the maze. We had freakin stupid people that worked there with bright flashlights that followed us a quarter of the way. We could see 1 guy hiding in the bushes so we totally avoided him...I finally told them to put them down. I was SO mad.

Sunday night, we went to the barn party. There was alot of standing around. They gave out free popcorn...candy bars, skittles, juices. Wow. I had gigantic pockets too. I didn't have time to grab much though cause Joselyn kept wanting to to come for this or that. They had a cookie table too, where we decorated with bottles of icing. They were GOOD. I also got a pumpkin that I was going to paint..but didn' now it's just my pet pumpkin that sits next to my desk.

At 1 point there was a showdown between "Obama" and "McCain" where they stand on these...things...and try to wack each other off. It was pretty funny. When McCain got knocked off, all of a sudden Hilary Clinton came and shoved obama off, did a victory stance, and took off running. There was also a place where they took your picture while you smashed a pumpkin...I was thinking about it...but it didn't happen. There was square dancing too haha. About a third of the gym was taken for it.

3 of us girls dressed up as gangsters.

Last night I couldn't go to sleep, and my roomate woke me up early I had the worst undereye I've had in a long time.

Oh, and I moved out.

YES! I moved out!

I will finally get some sleep during the weekdays because I have the room to myself till the other girl moves in which will be like the end of the week. My internet cable doesn't reach where I want my desk to be, so it's kind of in a weird place. And I have to reach across the cable to use the sink.

I don't have to wake up till 12 tomorrow!! and I actually DONT have to WAKE UP!! I'll sleep straight through maybe.

Anyways, I'm gonna enjoy dinner in bed while I watch a T.V show with my speakers, on my non bunk bed, which I can plop on to. And I don't have to be all quiet. UGH I'm loving this. Even though the walls, desk, and sink are peeling and dirty, and my window rattles easily, and my door closes itself almost. I'm just glad I'm out of that old room. I moved most of my stuff in like 2 hours, by myself...I wish I got someone to help me, but it was kinda late, I started moving at like 9:30. I didn't tell my roomate I was leaving till like 9:00. haha. And I came back into the room at like 12:00 cause I forgot my microwave, and I accidentally woke her up. But afterwards I was like YEA! HOW does THAT feel?!?! I should do it again. Kidding. But I did forget to bring a bowl to cook in, I luckily had a small one that had molding rice in it, that I cleaned out and used hehe.

Anyways, I'm gonna go watch The Mole.
Alot to read I know. Sorry, but thanks for caring haha.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I can't remember what happened this last week...

I watched a few movies in my room...
Classes have been bland...
Last week was week of Worship, and I sat alone 2 of 4 times...

But last night I got to play some air hockey with Joselyn,
And today was service day.
We went and washed windows at the old people apartments.
Then we cleaned the house of an old couple.
Then we cleaned the house and did yard work for an old lesbian lady...yea.
I guess I could kind of consider Ardy a new friend. He introduced himself at lunch the first week when I was with Joselyn..and since then they've hung out, and I join them a couple times.

Tonight Katie called me, and we watched Stardust in my room. She LOVED it haha.
And I'm coming home on Friday. It's a surprise. If you're reading this...then you have a heads up haha. Don't tell Justin. Cause I don't think he'll read this.

Be home soon!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tuesday the 7th

Well, Saturday I spent all morning eating and talking with Roxy and Katie.
I went to check out this organ recital with them, but it was pretty dang creepy, so I went and rode my bike for a while checking out the areas I'm not familiar with. It got dark and I saw the field lights on. I went over there and got there while the guys were warming up for the game. I kinda made friends with the dad of a guy on the opposing team...

I came back to the girls' apartments and we played cards all night. Poker, Kings Corner, Slap It, BS, Golf... yep.

Sunday was an inside day. I watched Beauty and the Beast and the Lion King, and played games, practiced drumming.

Monday I somehow didn't get my alarm set and was angrily awoken by a door being slammed. I checked to see what time it was, and it was 8:05, class starting at 8. I missed a quiz!!! I don't think I've ever done that. Stupid alarm. And when I was hurrying I went to the wrong building. When I got in the right classroom, I sat down for 5 seconds when he asked for the quizzes. If I would have went to the right room, I could have at least guessed...I'm totally furious about it. My body gets all hot when I think about it.

Today I learned about how to use library resources, and learned to look for glitches and illusions in films. Like the sneaky camera going through windows and being in people's faces, people doing stuff they couldn't do in real life, and actors doing something they're not supposed to.

The church was packed for chapel today, the first time I went.
And I also tried out rock climbing. The 1st time wasn't bad at all, but the 2nd..I got stuck, and the guy wasn't much attention to me, and didn't help out much. I couldn't like swing myself up cause he had me pretty tight, if I made a subtle move up, he'd tighten it.

Overall..not a very eventful weekend.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Almost Saturday Again

We had our first thunderstorm yesterday! It sounded so nice, but a couple times it rattled the windows.
My bike got all wet...I'm thinking about bringing it in the dorm. Maybe I will by tomorrow night. I had to ride it after the rain yesterday and today! I tried to pedal standing up, but when I'd come down, I'd feel the cold on my butt. Then I'd be riding past people...a little embarassing.

I went over to my friend's apartment to have dinner with her and another. (Roxanna and Katie from before) cause Roxanna wanted to cook for us (Spaghettiiiii yum). And we watched a movie. We got together again tonight too as well as Joselyn.

I still haven't recieved a book yet, so I go to the bookstore and look up what my assign. is. Thank goodness it's not a reading assignment, I'd probably get in trouble. And since I forgot to pick up that book that was on hold, and 20 people in my class didn't have it, and it's sold out (Publisher stopped making it)...They made copies of the entire book. And it cost 10 dollars MORE!!! omg. And it's just sheets of paper...half of which is upside down. I'm mad at myself everytime I think about it.

My food bill is gettin pretty fat BUT NOT ME! HA!! I hope I don't run out though. Then I'll just be making alot of Totinos pizza.

We went to Wal-mart and no beanbag chairs...I missed them by a day. I was planning on making a movie area in my room since I watch them every once and awhile. Then we went to Big Five and I found a package of pink -Tennis racket, balls, hat, something else, and a bag with a strap- for $50. I was thinking of going back to get it. Looking around I found pink soccer balls, basketballs, and ping pong balls I think. But I really like those pink tennis balls.

I went to vespers for the first time tonight. It was pretty nice. They had the stage decorated with candles in candle stands. They had violen, piano, guitar, chello, a weird irish flute I think, and good singers (not very loud though). Anyways, it sounded very pretty and they had like Planet Earth videos playing behind the words of the songs...

And about the roomate...I don't know what's going on. She was talking about arranging our room...Is she staying? I kinda wanted my friend Daisy...but I dunno.

In my classes I'm learning about the start of Christianity and all the persecutions...which are more horrible than I thought. Also in film class I'm learning how and when it got started, how to find a theme, and how to read credits! Haha. In business we're kind of learning how to get started, what to look at with policies and ethics, and to look for resources. I think he wants us to do good research. Drum lessons should start this Saturday, but maybe the one after. Not sure. The stupid music department didn't even tell him about me it seems (after a week of waiting, and leaving 2 notes in their office, I came back a 3rd time and sent him an e-mail myself which he responded to the same day.

I want to freakin play a game again...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tuesday Sept 30

Monday I missed my first class.

I misread my schedule. And then I was late to my 2nd class...cause I couldn't find it for nothing. Then came history of christianity and film liturature class (which my roomate is taking too). They both had funny teachers. The history teacher told us he had specifically planned in college not to be a teacher or this other profession. ha. But it seems he'll be good.

I got a call today from (Daisy) a friend from high school that I saw at the bash. She told me she needed a roomate too and the dean had given her my name! How bizarre. So We're trying to work out a way for her to move into my room and my roomate to move into CONARD! Muuaaaaaaaaaahahahaha. What it sounds like though is that my roomate isn't so sure she wants to move out now. But the dean said that she got something rolling and we're prolly gonna have to keep it rolling. Cause there's a ton of move arounds planned because of her I guess.

My books haven't arrived yet...and I have homework in all 4 classes. I'll probably be spending alot of time in the bookstore.

I had to get up at 7:30 today. My alarm had died in the middle of the night. Luckily i'm a light sleeper and heard it, dying. I took a nap after the class...about 9:45 - next class was at 1:00. Good thing I live close! My alarm didn't even go off either. I get AM and PM wrong sometimes.

At lunch I met 2 more girls, both named Jenny and live in Foreman Hall with me.

And I forgot to mention these weird boards that are so popular...I'll put a picture up. A ton of people use them.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday the 28th

Slept in till noon (woken up alot though).

Went to the Welcome Back Bash and signed up for the Spanish Club and the Business Club, but was harassed the whole time to join the "Booster Club". I got a free dinner of pizza and cotton candy there. I humiliated myself trying to enter a drawing by popping balloons with darts...3 out of 6 went straight into the gosh.

I saw lots of people I recognized...I'll list just cause:
Cindy, Natalie, Amy, Johnathan Kirkwood, Trent Wade, Johnny Long, and quite a few others from my class and high school and 1 from grade school.

Joselyn left early but Katie and Roxanna came back to the dorm with me to play Last Word. We were laughing just about the whole time.

Then I came back to my room to play my game some more. And check my myspace. And Mobsters.

While playing on the computer after I woke up, I got a call. They asked if I still needed a roomate...I was like no I'm all settled in. I hang up and tell my roomate about it and she says "that's weird". 1 minute later I get a call from the dean. She explains to me that yesterday my roomate told her she wanted to move in with another girl she saw and hadn't seen in years. She told me that my roomate should have told me by now. PSH. So long story short, I will probably be getting kicked out of my dorm by Thursday and moved to CONARD, the old, gross dorm.

Welll that sums it up i guess...I'm waiting for new episode of CHUCK to download, it's gone up to 279kB/s!
Actually it's done. ITS DONE!

Cya later.

Sat. Sept 27th

So I have figured out that I will be woken up every morning by my roomate. It's very annoying cause I put on my eye mask and earplugs, and she still gets me woken up every time. Not looking forward to the rest of the term with her.

But I went to church with Joselyn today, heard extremely loud music coming from some service going on in the music department. As we walked to lunch we decided we were going to meet someone new. We got our lunch and saw a girl sitting alone and sat with her. She's Katie. Minutes later another girl came by that knew Joselyn and sat with us. She's Roxanna. I think they're both over like 25...kinda weird.

None of us had plans, so we decided to go to a park to hike or something. We chose Lewis and Clark Trail was like 45 minute drive. Walking to go meet Katie and Roxanna at their apartments to go to the park...I witnessed my first car accident. A big truck slammed into a car I think was a neon. MAN, there was smoke and lots of particals that flew into the air. The trunk got crunched almost to the back window and the truck got a pretty big dent on the bumper. And while we were looking at them we realized that the girls apartments were right on the other side of the accident. Within like 2 minutes they had police cars, a small firetruck, and an ambulence there. LOL, nobody was hurt at

When we finally got out we went on a lil road trip to the park. We got there and walked around this big circle and reazlized...we were in a campsite. Took us a long time to figure out that the trail was on the other side of the street. We walked there, and found it to be CLOSED. We went back and looked for another trail nearby...nothingclosest one would be like another 45 minutes farther from Walla Walla. So we swung on the swings and talked and took pictures. Then we drove 45 minutes back to Walla Walla.

After dinner Katie came with us to the dorm and we played SKIP-BO. Joselyn and her didn't know how to play, it was really funny. We hope to play BS soon haha. When Katie left, we went and walked around outside and found this steep hill that the boys were running up and down yesterday. We ran up it and sat around for awhile, then we went to the volleyball game (Natalie from the church was playing). I don't think Joselyn was into it, but I think she stayed for me hehe. Sweet I know. Then we went to my room and watched some Office and The Love Guru.

Joselyn and I have been talking about starting a Tennis club haha. We want to be the presidents so we can have that title. "Oh you need to talk to one of the presidents"'d be us. Aaanyways..i'm not gonna be here long, so I don't think it'd work out.

Tomorrow morning we were supposed to go use the treadmill, buuuuuut it's 2:40am right now... I will be tired, it's a no go. Hopefully soon the 4 of us want to go apple picking too. I found a whitewater rafting place and hope to convice them to go.

Tomorrow is the sign up day for clubs. I'm pretty excited about it, there's one club that you enter to win brand new computers and some toyota car. It looks old but shiny. I wouldn't want it for anything but cash or satsfaction of really helping someone out by giving it to them. (Booster Club)

Goodnight for me!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

First Week

So after Dad, Charla, and Zach came with me to Walla Walla, helped me settle in, and dropped me off...I got extremely lonely. I would ask my roomate if she wanted to play a game, play tennis/raquetball, or go to lunch/dinner. She always showed enthusiasm, but when ever the time came to do it...she didn't want to...but she's been hanging out with her friends alot. I don't know if she doesn't like me...or if it's something else.

We went to Wal-mart and bought a phone...(the number is 509-524-6792 in case you're interested)...misc. stuff, and GUPPIES. I got a red and a greenblueyellowred one. Each of hers took like 2 minutes to catch..mine took like 5 seconds. Seriously.

SO, Thursday night I was playing a game on the computer and got really bored. After checking out anything on the internet, I started to get deperessed that I have nobody to hang out with...I spent all day by myself as well as the night before. I decided to just go knock on a random persons door and ask if they wanted to play a game. So I did, and she was all excited haha. So was I. Her name is Joselyn.

We played Last Word and made plans to play tennis which we did today and watched American Gangster in my room a while after. Tomorrow is church, and she's gonna go with me! I was worried that I'd be going alone...After she left tonight I watched What Happens in Vegas and my roomate came in in the middle of it. She actually finished it with me instead of going on her laptop and watching the OC which she watches all the time. I watch stuff on the computer too though when I'm bored. The college network brings me lots of choices in movies and TV shows. They play instantly for me when I click them! I will cherish it...

Aaaaand this morning I got woken up quite a few times, 2 of them being employers! You probably already know. But they are both office assistant jobs. One at the enrollment office and the other at plant services (don't know what they do there). Interviews are on Mon. I hope to death one of them works out!!

I also found out that I can take food out of the cafeteria...I was pretty excited about that cause I don't eat much at one time, and like to snack alot during the day. And mom secretly put a pink dog and cat beanie baby in my suitcase cause I'm not allowed to have animals in the dorm, haha. I put them both in front of my monitor. So cute!'s 1:45 and I have church in the morning...I'll probably know that I overcame 1 obstacle...making a friend.